Months events: February 2020

A lesson for students of the Nalasa school

On 27.02.2020 a Museum lesson about lighting devices of our ancestors from the cycle “The History of one exhibit” was…

For the 80th anniversary of Azgar Shakirov

On February 26th a Museum lesson “Zinnatulla hazrat – mulla from Uchily village” was held for students of 8-9 grades…

Army kaleidoscope

On February 21 a sports event “Army kaleidoscope” dedicated to the Day of the defenders of our Motherland was held…

The sweetest language-the native language

On February 21 a literary evening “The sweetest language-the native language” dedicated to the international day of the native language…

The international mother language day in Museum

On February 21, the international mother language day is celebrated all over the world. This day was established by UNESCO…

“Don’t fly away, nightingale”

On February 14, a literary evening named “Don’t fly away, nightingale” was held in the Museum for the participants of…

“Gabdulla Tukay and Sagit Ramiev”

12.02.2020 The opening of a photo exhibition from the funds of Musem named “Gabdulla Tukay and Sagit Ramiev”, dedicated to…

“Afghan ballad”

05.02.2020. The Museum opened a photo exhibition “Afghan ballad”, dedicated to the day of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from…

Lesson from the cycle “History of one exhibit” for students of Koshlauch school

05.02.2020 there was a Museum lesson from the cycle “History of one exhibit” about lighting devices, the history of shoes…
