Independent quality assessment system for organizations providing social services

Independent assessment of the quality of services provided by cultural organizations is one of the forms of public control and is carried out in order to provide citizens with information on the quality of services provided by cultural organizations, as well as to improve the quality of their activities.

An independent assessment of the quality of services provided by cultural organizations provides for the assessment of the conditions for the provision of services according to such general criteria as openness and accessibility of information about the organization of culture; comfort of the conditions for the provision of services and their availability; waiting time for the provision of services; friendliness, courtesy, competence of employees of the organization of culture; satisfaction with the quality of services provided.

In accordance with the order of the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan dated 17.06.2015 № 630 od approved the Regulations on the Public Council under the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan in a new version, with the provision of the Public Council under the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan with the authority to conduct an independent assessment of the quality of public institutions that provide social services in the Republic of Tatarstan.

Procedure for assessing the quality of the organization’s work.

Institutional rating in 2016

With more information о Independent assessment of the quality of conditions for the provision of services by cultural organizations You can find it on the website Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan и на an official website for posting information about state (municipal) institutions (