Ichigy – national Tatar leather shoes. Men wore black ichigy and women-embroidered pattern. Shoes made in mosaic technique which is the specific character of the Tatar people. Patterned ichigy were done by masters from colorful pieces of skin

Armbands-covered arms up to the elbows, protecting the sleeves of the hostess from contamination. Armbands embroidered with floral ornament

Canvas shirt is a kind of men’s clothing, refers to the upper underwear. Historically, the shirt belonged to men’s underwear, but later began to be worn as outerwear

Pants-an item of clothing for the male sex, covering the lower part of the body

Bag (briefcase) made of birch bark. It is a narrow hard-sided box-shaped bag or case used mainly for carrying papers.

Bast shoes – shoes, woven from lime bark on a flat dense sole with a rectangular or round head.

Shoes woven from bast– a wooden sole was attached to the bast shoes, so that water and dirt did not fall into the bast shoes in autumn and spring period.

Stockings sewn from thin felt was made from sheep wool. Such stockings perfectly protected feet from cold and heat

Breastplate-covered the woman’s chest. The breastplate was decorated with lace, embroidery and precious stones

Bag for gifts, sewn from canvas, had a variable geometric shape and the tie. Bags were intended for carrying and storing a variety of bulk food products

Onuchy – long narrow pieces of cloth of canvas. They were used instead of stockings

Kalfak is an ancient female Tatar headdress, which has become widespread in almost all groups of Tatars, including preserved in the female costume of Tatars-Kryashen.

Our ancestors always wore a headdress. The national headdress of men was a tubeteika. It was simple and very beautifully embroidered. Tubeteika is popular nowadays.

Silk shawl isa large knitted silk scarf. Shawls made of lace are especially expensive. Silk shawl was considered as an attribute of beauty, luxury and elegance

Hasite is the distinctive decoration of the tatar women. It was considered not only decoration but as a talisman too. There were special pockets in hasite where womaen could hide surahs from the Koran. Besides hasite was decorated with coins and precious stones

Tablecloth is a small woven material which was laid on the table before serving food. Tablecloths were made mainly of cotton or linen fabrics

Samovar is a heated metal container traditionally used to heat and boil water. The samovar was made of copper, brass and even silver

Copper tray-is a copper sheet for serving food, carrying dishes. It was put under the samovar for fire safety, so that the hot coals did not fall on the bench or table

Milk-jug is a vessel for storing milk. It was made of red clay or porcelain

Teapot is a porcelain teapot for brewing tea with a spout and handle

Wooden bowl – a kind of tableware which was intended for soup and fermented milk product. Bowls were made of clay, wood, and later of metal

Lace samovar-cover is crocheted from simple threads. The lace was created neatly and beautifully with a crochet hook. Lace was thrown over the samovar as an ornament

Chair with figured carved ornament intended for sitting of one person. It can be with armrests or without

Towel is a flat, woven piece of cotton or linen, often hand-embroidered. Towels were plain and embroidered. Usually towels embroidered with red thread, patterns were very beautiful and not repeated

Bench is a wooden, narrow and long seat for several people. Used both indoors and outdoors

Litter for the bench was a small patchwork quilt, which was an indispensable attribute of the decoration of the peasant house, where comfort reigned, created by a talented female hand. The patchwork quilt brought beauty to the modest everyday life and gave comfort

Metal box – a small box of rectangular shape, used to store jewelry and money

Scissors are hand-operated shearing tools. A pair of scissors consists of a pair of metal blades pivoted so that the sharpened edges slide against each other when the handles (bows) opposite to the pivot are closed. Scissors are used for cutting various thin materials, such as paper, cardboard, metal foil, cloth, rope, and wire

Thimble is a small hard pitted cup worn for protection on the finger that pushes the needle in sewing. Usually, thimbles with a closed top are used by dressmakers but special thimbles with an opening at the end are used by tailors as this allows them to manipulate the cloth more easily

The iron is the small appliance used to remove wrinkles from fabric. Irons were heated directly on the fire. Hot coals were put inside to heat the iron

Kerosene lamp is a type of lighting device that uses kerosene as a fuel. Kerosene lamps have a wick or mantle as light source, protected by a glass chimney or globe; lamps may be used on a table, or hand-held lanterns may be used for portable lighting

Prayer book is a book containing prayers and perhaps devotional readings, for private or communal use, or in some cases, outlining the liturgy of religious services. These books were used in madrassas as textbooks

Prayer rug or prayer mat is a piece of fabric, sometimes a pile carpet, used by Muslims, placed between the ground and the worshipper for cleanliness during the various positions of Islamic prayer. These involve prostration and sitting on the ground

Basin for ablution is wide shallow round tub made of copper. It was used by Muslims for ablutions and fine washing

Kumgan is a water jug with a spout and handle, was used by Muslims mainly for ablution and washing. Kumgans were made of clay, brass, copper and even silver

Cradle is an infant bed which rocks but is non-mobile. The cradle was suspended to the ceiling with a wooden hook. It rocked very gently and the child could quickly fell asleep under the lullaby songs

Baby blanket-bedding made of wool or linen

Chest is a form of furniture typically of a rectangular structure with four walls and a removable lid, for storage. Used as a container for storing clothes, jewelry and other valuables

Bast matting is a coarse cloth made of linden bast which was soaked in water for a month. Floor coverings, wisps of bast were made from such material

Copper vessel was usedfor storing food, milk and fermented milk product. In summer a vessel was buried in the ground to store the food. In winter it was used as a water tank

Copper vessel on a metal tripod. Such vessels were used for boiling linen. In summer they boiled linen and in winter brought home to use as a water tank